Templatelite Module


exception templatelite.UnknownContextValue

Raised when a Context Variable does not exist. This is the dot separated version of the variable name

exception templatelite.UnrecognisedFilter

Raised when a filter is invoked on a Context Variable, but the filter is not recognised.

exception templatelite.UnexpectedFilterArguments

Raised when arguments are provided for a given filter, but where those arguments were not unexpected.

exception templatelite.TemplateSyntaxError

Raised when the template does not meet the expected syntax - this will be caused by an missing or unexpected directive

Renderer Class

class templatelite.Renderer(template_str=None, template_fp=None, template_file='', errors=False, default=None, remove_indentation=True)

A General purpose Template renderer

  • template_str – The Template to render
  • errors – A Boolean flag - True if errors in the template should cause an exception
  • default – The default value to insert into the template if an error occurs.
  • remove_indentation – Whether or not to remove the left margin indentation.

By using the default values from the class, any data access error in a ContextVariable will cause that context Variable to be rendered into the template as the unconverted context variable name. Errors in accessing data within for loops or if conditions then the value of None is used.

if default is set then this string is used under error conditions (rather than the context variable name)

If errors is set then any error within the template will cause a UnknownContextValue, UnrecognisedFilter or UnexpectedFilterArguments exception as appropriate.

The remove_indentation flag will strip all left margin indentation from the template as it renders. This setting is suitable for templates where any indentation is inconsequential (e.g. html). If the template is intended to create output where indentation needs to be preserved (Restructured Text (.rst), Python Source Code (.py) then remove_indentation needs to set to false).

classmethod execute_filter(filter_name='', token='', value=None, args=(), kwargs={})

Generic class method to execute a named filter

Run at execute time


Public I/f Render the template based on one or more dictionaries

classmethod register_filter(name, filter_callable)

Register a named modifier - internal use only